1480 Riverside Drive, Suite 2202,
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1G 5H2
Téléphone: 613.723.4757
Diane Houle-Rutherford, MA – Biography
Diane is an executive coach, organisational development consultant and workshop facilitator. She consultsto managers and senior level executives in both the public, the private and the Not-for-profit sectors, in Canada and in Europe on issues related to Leadership Development and Action Learning, Creativity and Creative Problem Solving, Mental Health and Healthy Workplace Assessments, Individual and team coaching, Change and Transition Management.
Her goal is to assist leaders in gaining a better understanding of themselves and increase their effectiveness as a healthy leader – collaborator and follower; and assisting organisations become more effective and healthy workplaces where people can flourish. One of the many ways she uses to reach this goal was to co-develop a flagship leadership development program for the Canada School of Public Service – Living Leadership. This 18-month program aimed at developing Healthy Leaders and Healthy Organisations.
Diane had an 18 year career in the Federal Public Service working principally in Staff Relations and Health & Safety programs, where she was responsible for various Health and Safety programs, lead accidents investigation and safety inspections.
In 1994, Diane started Houle Rutherford Consulting Inc. a consulting firm specializing in Leadership – Executive Coaching and Creativity. She is a licensed senior practitioner of the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory (KAI). She is certified by the Creative Problem Solving Group – Buffalo to administer the Situational Outlook Questionnaire (SOQ) which assesses the organisational climate for creativity. She has also successfully completed the ‘Investigating Workplace violence Under Part XX’ (Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations) with ENNIS Safety Services. In her role as consultant, Diane has carried out a multitude of workplace assessments via questionnaires and diagnostic interviews.
Diane is a graduate of Ottawa University in Public Administration and of Concordia University with a Master's degree in Human Systems Intervention. She is a program leader at the European Conference on Creativity – Innovation and Leadership (CREA conference) held every year in Italy. She was a guest speaker at the Innovation Speakers’ Series at Statistic Canada.
She was born and raised in Montreal and is fluent in both French and English.